What is heart-brain coherence?
Heart-brain coherence is the most important part of every health strategy because if all the systems of your body are not in alignment, it becomes almost impossible to experience the ‘tangible feeling’ of the actual ‘soul/energy’ that we truly are. Feeling this internal energy allows our bodies to heal quickly. Coherence is when your brain works with your heart and body. It is a state of unity between your mind, body, and spirit. This state of harmony allows you to be more present and aware.
Heart- Brain Coherence is a high-performance and healthy state — physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually— that brings out the very best in us.
The term coherence implies harmonious order, connectedness, stability, and efficient use of energy.
Coherence can be seen all around us when we observe life through the lens of the heart. The beauty and intricate balance of nature are a magnificent demonstration of coherence.
Increased coherence happens at times within the human experience too. For example, most of us have had days where everything seemed to flow. We felt good – composed and clear; we were able to adapt quickly to whatever came our way with balance and poise.
In the 1990 HeartMath Institute researchers, identified a physiological state called heart coherence — a type of coherence that occurs when our body’s systems, our breathing, heart rhythms, brain rhythms, and hormonal response, are in sync with each other.
They also discovered that heart coherence not only affects physical processes but also mental and emotional balance and composure. Their research showed that heart coherence can be self-generated leading to less mental and emotional stress and more inner security and stability. In summary, Heart Coherence is a synchronized and empowering state, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, allowing us to become our best selves.
The Fight to Enlight: Initiation Through the Heart is the Only Way to Win
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